Yesterday we celebrated the 80+ Literacy Lab tutors and Leading Men Fellows in Washington, DC and Alexandria, VA at the Metro DC Impact Awards! This year, we’re graduating our fifth class of AmeriCorps members in the DC area.

By The Numbers
Literacy Lab tutors served in close to 40 schools in the Metro DC area during the 2017-18 school year. With almost 100 full-time tutors, the DC Literacy Lab team has served more than 125,000 hours. That’s almost 15 years worth of hours served! This year, we also introduced our second cohort of Leading Men Fellows. These ten young men made a commitment to serve in Pre-K classrooms across the city. Many are going on to seek a degree in early childhood education following the conclusion of their term.
Celebrating Impact

This year at the Metro DC Impact Awards, the competition was a little too steep to award just one winner. Instead, we acknowledge every tutor that received a nomination for our annual “Relationship” Award. The “Relationship” Award is a recognition of tutors that demonstrate the Literacy Lab core value of building strong relationships during their service term.
At the Impact Awards this year, each tutor was given an “Affirmason Jar”, a mason jar that their co-tutors, coaches, and program staff filled with affirmations!

A Team Effort
Literacy Lab tutors have been doing incredible work in the Metro DC area to build strong readers. They do so with the support of a dedicated team of coaches and program staff. We can’t adequately thank our tutors without thanking the people that helped them to become the best tutors and mentors for their students that they can be! As well as recognizing Literacy Lab tutors, we take a moment every year at the Impact Awards to recognize our Master Coaches, Internal Coaches, and program staff.
Do you know someone that would make a great Literacy Lab tutor or Leading Men Fellow? Applications to serve in the 2018-19 school year are now open!