The SEEDS approach to academic support

The Literacy Lab’s pre-K program supports early literacy in children as young as 3 years old, through an approach that focuses on Sensitivity, Encouragement, Education, Development of Skills, and Self-image (SEEDS).

Developed by Kate Horst, The SEEDS of Learning is an evidence-based program that prepares educators and parents to help children develop the skills they need to be ready for Kindergarten. Learn more on The SEEDS of Learning website.

Below is a further description of how The Literacy Lab uses it, as well as a few interactive videos to help students practice the building blocks of reading from home.

The SEEDS approach

Sensitivity- Our tutors build the confidence of students by focusing on them, listening, and asking questions.

Encouragement- We create a shared and positive learning environment by using intentional affirmations, and positive communication.

Education- Developing the “Big 5” early literacy skills-

  • Book & print awareness

  • Phonological awareness

  • Vocabulary

  • Conversation

  • Oral language

Development of Skills through doing- We help the children explore their world through hands-on learning and practice.

Self-image- We support our students, so they feel respected and capable